Marcia gay harden interview parkland

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“Zac Efron continues to impress us with his recent shift into more dramatic roles which showcase his exceptional acting skills and Marcia Gay Harden is an unparalleled actress who gives tour de force performances in every film she appears. The film, to be shot in Austin, Texas is destined for a 2013 US theatrical release around the 50th anniversary of the assassination. Kennedy was assassinated on November 22nd 1963.

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PARKLAND recounts the dramatic true story of the chaotic events that occurred at Parkland Hospital in Dallas on the day President John F. Kennedy, by renowned author and former prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi, the adapted screenplay is written by award-winning journalist and novelist Peter Landesman, who will also direct PARKLAND marking his directorial debut. Based on the epic book Reclaiming History: The Assassination of President John F.

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