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These companies may have access to personal information if needed to perform such functions. If you do not elect to receive such material, we will not send it to you.Ĭompanies may be engaged by The Corner Pub to perform a variety of functions, such as, providing technical services for our web sites, etc. With your permission, we will use personal information collected from you to send you information, such as The Corner Pub online newsletter.

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Personal information will be collected from you only in order to distribute information you request. The Corner Pub only gathers personal information, such as, first and last names, street addresses and email addresses, when voluntarily submitted by you. Types of Information We Collect and How It Is Used Please be assured that The Corner Pub uses its best efforts to protect the privacy of visitors to this web site. The Corner Pub is pleased to provide information to all of its customers about its online privacy policy.

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